
From PR Application To Winning A Permanent Residence Card 6 Months Experience: The Key Element Of Successful Canadian Immigrants

From PR Application To Winning A Permanent Residence Card 6 Months Experience: The Key Element Of Successful Canadian Immigrants

From PR Application To Winning A Permanent Residence Card 6 Months Experience: The Key Element Of Successful Canadian Immigrants

I applied for a PR permanent residence card from PR to the end, and all these cards used for 6 months. From my immigration application, successful experience tells everyone that the key to successfully immigrate to Canada is to be fully prepared. Strictly abide by immigration regulations. Don

I applied for a PR permanent residence card from PR to the end, and all these cards used for 6 months. From my immigration application, successful experience tells everyone that the key to successfully immigrate to Canada is to be fully prepared. Strictly abide by immigration regulations. Don't modify the photos. If you want to do everything, you can take photos taken from Pear Park Photo in Beijing, and be sure to actively cooperate with the immigration lawyer during the application process and actively cooperate with the work of immigration lawyers. In addition, it is also important to choose the immigration project that suits you. Different projects are suitable for different people. You must choose according to your specific situation. Don't follow the trend blindly. Many friends left me a message before and said what their friends did. He also wants to do this project. Here, let's talk about the immigration policy will change, and the situation of people and people is different. In the end, it is really troublesome to take photos of the official recognition information of the photo hall.
