
How To Solve The Problem Of Canadian Passport And Chinese ID Card Real Estate Certification

How To Solve The Problem Of Canadian Passport And Chinese ID Card Real Estate Certification

How To Solve The Problem Of Canadian Passport And Chinese ID Card Real Estate Certification

The third-level steps of Canadian maple leaf publicity and Chinese consular certification. Maple Leaf Card, also known as an immigration visa or permanent residence visa. People with such visas have the right to live in Canada permanently and still maintain their original Chinese nationality, but they are treated essentially the same as their own citizens.This visa is extended every five years and you will only get this extension after spending two years in Canada within five years. If you have lived in Canada for three years, you can apply to join the Canadian country and become a Canadian citizen.I obtained nationality in 2019 and have a Canadian passport. Now I

The third-level steps of Canadian maple leaf publicity and Chinese consular certification

Maple Leaf Card, also known as an immigration visa or permanent residence visa. People with such visas have the right to live in Canada permanently and still maintain their original Chinese nationality, but they are treated essentially the same as their own citizens.

This visa is extended every five years and you will only get this extension after spending two years in Canada within five years. If you have lived in Canada for three years, you can apply to join the Canadian country and become a Canadian citizen.

I obtained nationality in 2019 and have a Canadian passport. Now I'm in trouble. The house I bought was purchased with a Chinese ID card. When I became a Canadian citizen, my domestic ID card was cancelled. When I went to handle the real estate transaction, they gave them a Canadian passport. They said that the passport is in English and the ID card is in Chinese when purchasing the house. It cannot be proven that it is the same person. They asked me to prove that the two documents were the same person and to apply for certification from the local embassy.

To prove that the Canadian passport and domestic ID card are the same person, you must write a statement in person to declare that the passport and ID card are the same person, and you can write the statement first, sign and send it to the notary and send it to the notary notary Will translate and authenticate; if convenient, notary will notarize and authenticate; go face to face, notarization is correct, and then the provincial government certification is certified and obtained from the Chinese Embassy in Canada.

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What is a maple leaf card_Maple Leaf Card_How many years do you need to stay in Canada
