Apply For Canadian Immigrants To Get Maple Leaf Cards? Teach You How To Apply For A Canadian Green Card
Apply For Canadian Immigrants To Get Maple Leaf Cards? Teach You How To Apply For A Canadian Green Card
How to get Canadian maple leaf cards that get Canadian immigrants, the goal of many people is to get Canadian green cards. This is the green card of everyone calling the maple leaf card. The benefits and benefits of maple leaf cards can be enjoyed. Today, I will tell you how to apply. Canadian green card application method 1. First contact the Canadian immigration company to communicate with the staff to confirm that it has the conditions for Canadian immigrants; 2. Signed an agent lawyer, and after confirming the application plan, the staff assist in preparing various related documents; 3. Apply for notarization, audit, assessment, etc., prepare for the application fee, and submit the application to the Immigration Department; 4. The Immigration Department will issue a document number to confirm the application of the applicant
How to get Canadian maple leaf cards that get Canadian immigrants, the goal of many people is to get Canadian green cards. This is the green card of everyone calling the maple leaf card. The benefits and benefits of maple leaf cards can be enjoyed. Today, I will tell you how to apply. Canadian green card application method 1. First contact the Canadian immigration company to communicate with the staff to confirm that it has the conditions for Canadian immigrants; 2. Signed an agent lawyer, and after confirming the application plan, the staff assist in preparing various related documents; 3. Apply for notarization, audit, assessment, etc., prepare for the application fee, and submit the application to the Immigration Department; 4. The Immigration Department will issue a document number to confirm the application of the applicant's information, subsequently issued, the material review letter, and further supplement the review required for the review. Data,; then issue an interview notice; 5. If the agency is invited to arrange interview training one by one, and will help the interview materials. After the interview is approved, the Immigration Department will issue CSQ to conduct background investigations and arrange physical examinations. After the federal immigration visa, you can get a green card. Canadian green card application condition 1. Applicants or spouses are hired by Canadian companies. If Canadian companies hire applicants or spouses, they can apply for Canadian green cards, but this method will be fraudulent.